Happy trying.. (^_^)
Selasa, 1 Mac 2011
The advancement of technology in these days are more likely to make teaching and learning easier and better than what it used to be in those days. Therefore, there is an implementation of Computer Assisted Language Learning which focusing on teaching and learning of English language (CALL). This CALL program provides students and learners with language experiences as they move through the various stages of second language acquisition where they need to explore it by themselves as well as with teacher’s guidance.
The usage of technology in teaching and learning process of English language have a lot of advantages itself in most language learning skills as what we can see nowadays which give benefits to the learners and teachers. However, besides the advantages of it, there are also some limitations and disadvantages that need to go through and overcome it step by step. We can see these matters by researches and studies that have been done in years.
On the other hand, this is basically focusing on the effects of CALL program on English language learning towards the learners. This is most likely showing the learners attitudes towards learning language using computer and the technology itself. Based on the previous researches, the most theories that have been used based on Bas, G. & Kuzucu, O. (2009), CALL lessons may somehow generally takes into consideration of principles of language pedagogy, which may be derived from learning theories (behaviourist, cognitive, and constructivist) and second language learning such as “Krashen's Monitor Theory”. It can be seen through the researches that have been done by the previous researchers stated that there are effects towards the learners in using CALL.
The effects of computer usage towards learners’ language learning are generally found out when it is seen through the learners’ results. Therefore, there are many researches and studies have been done to find out whether it is a good result or otherwise. Most of the purposes of the studies are focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of using computer technology for language learning, especially for second language which is English. There are basically focusing on the effects of CALL on the learners’ improvement of vocabulary acquisition where by using some method of language learning such as video-based computer assisted language learning (VBCALL) and others. This is based on the research by Lu Fang Lin (2009), in her article English Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in the Video-Based CALL Program.
Based on most researches, the results of the learners using computer in language learning can be labeled as good. This is because, with the assistance of computer in language learning, learners are able to improve their level of proficiency in English language. According to Bas, G. & Kuzucu, O. (2009) in their article, the use of CALL in a right situation and well-ordered sequence can lead the learners to understand the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the target language without the support of the text. The researchers also stated that learners can interact with the presentation, and have their interactions recorded into their study records and even influence the pace and level of the presentation. (Knowles, 2004).
On the other hand, it is found that there are advantages on the usage of CALL in language learning. There is a comparative study in Malaysia between CALL and traditional teaching method conducted by Rohaya et al. (cited in Ashinida et al. 2004) shows that CALL helps in improving students’ linguistic skills. Adi Afzal et al. (cited in Ashinida et al., 2004) in their study mentioned that CALL is helpful in increasing students’ motivation and less time consuming in learning certain concepts (as cited in Melor Md. Yunus, Harwati Hashim, Mohamed Amin Embi & Maimun Aqsha Lubis, 2010). Therefore, we can see there are advantages of using CALL towards learners’ progress of English language learning.
As a conclusion, it is found that the use of CALL program gives much benefits rather than detriment that it’s resulted to the learners of English language learning. As according to Lu Fang Lin (2009), the usage of CALL somehow facilitates vocabulary incidental acquisition of students with different English proficiency abilities. Therefore, we can see that by using CALL program, the learners are more improving on the vocabulary acquisition no matter on what language skills they or how they are using it.
Moreover, the researches and studies that have been done are basically being well-conducted since the results are mostly showing on the advantages of the usage of CALL program although there are also some disadvantages of it where it can be overcome step by step. Besides, there are also limitations of using computer and technology which mostly focusing on the financial section. The limitation of CALL can be overcome by certain organization such as the government itself as well as the learning institution.
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